Thursday, July 2, 2015

and then June slipped away into the abyss

As all days run together, I managed to while away the hours of the entire month of June. As I've mentioned, every year about this time, I get the blahs. It begins with the heat creeping in and the A/C having to run 24/7.  The non-stop rain and flooding was added to it this year.  Although the rain doesn't bother me, and would not have, if it hadn't been for such serious floods we had around here. The ground has become so saturated that now if we get a storm pass over, there is standing water in a matter of minutes. The above photo was taken on one of the days before another storm hit.

 My personal schedule has been yoga on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Most days I came home and collapsed into a 2 hour nap. Tuesdays and Thursdays were taken up with Physical therapy exercises and at least one Dr. appt. every week. Some days my knees feel almost normal, other days I am hobbling around like an old granny.  I did tell the Dr. I saw yesterday, that I now have a full time job, just taking care of myself!

Its a very mundane life around here. I have longed to do some artwork, but just haven't had the energy to even clean off my messy work table.  I walk into the room, have a look about, then turn around and leave.  Even hubby has suggested that I might not feel so gloomy if I'd create something. Wow, could he be right?  I suppose/know so. I guess I feel if I don't have any artwork to share, I have nothing to write about.

One really positive thing that we have been doing for a few months, is juicing.  Here's the usual morning juice.  Kale, celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger, and 2 small apples. It's my job to get the veggies prepped, then from the time Hubby takes over, running them thru the juicer and cleaning the juicer, the time is less than 10 minutes. Hubby really turned his nose up at the idea of kale..but with the other ingredients, you can't even identify a kale taste, so it's worked out well.  As long as we don't run out of apples. 
Now that we are into July, I am going to try to get with the program and get some creative stuff done.  Hubby will be traveling a lot this month, so I will have a lot of alone time. That means I can spread art supplies out all over the place and not have to pick them up in time for dinner.


  1. My whole year has slipped away so far! I can't believe how I've neglected my blog and the blogging community but I'm trying to get back to it now.
    HB and I have a juicer and we love the juices we make. However I haven't been using it as much lately. It sounds crazy but with our water restrictions it takes so much to clean it that I just don't do it. We're just the opposite of where you are...serious drought conditions. Our yard is dead and we're thinking of replacing it with rocks and gravel.
    It's good to see a post from you. I understand the lack of energy with the heat!!

    1. Hi Janet, isn't he weather crazy everywhere? We are hearing from folks in the Pacific N.W. about triple digits already. It's going to be a very bad fire season this year.
      Oh, I hear you about how much water it takes to clean veggies. I feel badly about that too. I try to save as much of it as I can to water my plants, but succulents don't need much water. Veggies need washed every day since it takes a lot of them to make juice.

  2. I think hubby is right you need some art to occupy you. we are now getting a ton of rain here with no end in sight but not enough to flood like you have gotten, mother nature seems to give feast or famine.

    1. Hi Linda. Isn't Mother Nature playing jokes on all of us lately? Because of all our water, we are having an early mosquito problem, which I find annoying since they like to feast on me!

  3. Had trouble trying to enter a post the last time & I think I gave up. Let's see if I am successful this time.

  4. Yes, I see you were able to comment. My blog has been driving me crazy for awhile now. Because of some fluke with Google and my cell phone and trying to link everything, I couldn't even get in to my blog and had to change my passwords. Some days I hate technology!
