My first post of the new year. How cool is this date? I love new beginnings, winding up the clock and starting over with the same numbers, but falling on a different day. Simply because of my love of all things paper, I also love fondling the new calendar and choosing the one that goes on the wall, the one that goes inside the kitchen cabinet door, the date book for appointments, the journal to alter, I guess that's about it. I know most people keep track of it all online, on their computer or hand-held. Well, what can I say, I still love the paper one. Even if I ever do start keeping an electronic calendar, I will still have to have a nice Cavallini calendar to hang on the wall. But here it is the first day of the year, and I haven't chosen any!! By this time I have usually bought 3 or 4. Mister bought a cow one from Chick-fil-A, it has free food coupons every month. I guess I will have to use it if I need to look at one in the next few days. I may have to buy a $1.00 one at Michaels if I get over there today.
Resolutions? NO, I don't make 'em. It dawned on me years ago that most peoples, mine included, were the same every year. Lose weight, be more organized, quit this or that habit, save money, etc. etc. Whatever it was, it was gone in a few weeks or months, and you were left with a feeling of failure. Yes, I do set goals, which I choose to think are different. I can look back on the goals I set for myself last year, and some I did okay on, some could have been better. But no guilt or feeling of failure has crossed my mind, yet. Well, the day is young...also it may be a result of the new Anti-depressant!!! LOL I gave up awhile ago on thinking I could function without one, so I have accepted the miracles of modern pharmaceuticals as something I may always have to rely on. Anyone who suffers from the evils of melancholy knows exactly what I am talking about. So, on with it I say. Today is a good day, and I expect tomorrow to be the same.
Did we really buy all this STUFF to leave out for SANTA? I think not!

Fortunately, most of it is gone, with the help of a friend or two. We've been eating the Rio Grande Valley grapefuit we were gifted with...TWO boxes. So we are combatting the sugar rush with plenty of natural sugar and some Vitamin C.
Happy New Year to everyone, no matter how you spend the day. Did you watch the Rose Parade? How about a ton of football? I can only handle about one game a day. Will probably watch the Rose Bowl with hubby later. My sewing machine is still out, so I may sew some more of those goofy little garlands. Have a grand day/week-end.